Asi El Helani » Dagat Galbe

Asi El Helani
Saalo Aenye:

beblad allah daye3 ya ya 7abiby, w nasy yally kan
ana ma atwal laylee ya 7abiby, er7amny men en-nesyan

ah men ghadr ez-zamaan
le gheyabak ma 7sabt 7esab
shouf 3youny 3al gheyab

sa2alo 3einaya 3aleek w layaly w 3anny enta be3eed
keef btensa gharamy ya ghaly w be hawak 3ayesh 3omr jedeed

ana khayef albak yensa 7anany wetgheeb el a7lam
w 3eyoony teb2a sahraneh layaly wtdee3 el ayaam

ah men ghadr ez-zamaan
le gheyabak ma 7sabt 7esab
shouf 3youny 3al gheyab

sa2alo 3einaya 3aleek w layaly w 3anny enta be3eed
keef btensa gharamy ya ghaly w be hawak 3ayesh 3omr jedeed


I've been lost in the world, my darling
and forgot what used to be
Oh my nights are so long my darling
Have mercy on me from the forgetfulness

oh from the betrayal of time
I haven't thought about your absence
looks what happened to my eyes from your absence

they asked my eyes about you
And nights you've been away from me
how could you forget my love, my precious
While I'm living in your love a new life

I'm afraid that your heart might forget my kindness
And then all the dreams are gone
and my eyes would be sleepless for nights
And the days would go by

oh from the betrayal of time
I haven't thought about your absence
looks what happened to my eyes from your absence

they asked my eyes about you
And nights you've been away from me
how could you forget my love, my precious
while I'm living in your love a new life

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