Ziad Rahbani
eltyli 7abbeytak
la2annak zi3lan bitdal
w bitdal mnakwat
sayyer hal 7addees?
eltyli habbeytak
la2annk gheir shi bitkoun
w la2annk akhwat
sayyer hal 7addees
w 3idti taraktini
la2anni za3lan bdal
w bdal mnakwat
w la2anni akhwat
sar walla ma sar?
ya 3ammi ana ma tghayrana
inti illi tghayrna
ya 3ammi ana ma tghayrana
inti illi tghayrna
tghayrna ma tghayrna
ya 3ammi ana ma tghayrana
inti illi tghayrna
tghayrna ma tghayrna
eltyli habbeytak
la2annak za3lan bit dal w bit dal mnakwat
Sayyer hal 7addees
eltyli habbeytak la2annak gheir shi wi la2annak akhwat
Sayyer hal 7addees
Sar sar w nos
inti illi tghayrna
you told me 'I loved you'
because you are always sad
and always irritable
Did this discussion happen?
It happened
You told me 'I loved you'
because you are something else
and because you're crazy
Did this discussion happen?
It happened
And you went and left me
because I am always sad
and always irritable
and because I am crazy
Did this happen or not?
It happened
Really, I wasn't the one who changed
You are the one that changed
Really, I wasn't the one who changed
You are the one that changed
Did I change or not?
Really, I wasn't the one who changed
You are the one that changed
Did I change or not?
You said 'I loved you'
because you are always sad and always irritable
Did this discussion happen?
It happened
You told me 'I loved you,
because you are something else, and because you are crazy'
Did this discussion happen?
It happened and a half
You are the one that changed