Tony Kiwan

Tony Kiwan Al Ghaly:

2alet ya benty, balna shghalty
wayn kenty w laysh tawalty
w laysh 7atta ghfaytee ser2a 3al-bayt
shul mawdoo3 shu 3melty
2alatelha ya emmy 3ele2et 3el2ah
be 3youn shab bel-7ala falte
w ma 3ad 3endy alb 3al fer2a
w ma 3ad yeshba3 menha ghazelty
w men don wa3y b2eedo mara2 mar2a
3alaye w sa2alny w 2al shu elty
saffayt erjof metel she war2a
baddy w ma baddy w hawn meshkelty
w 3ad w ghamarny w shadny bhar2a
ma 2belet westa3malet marjeltee
srakhet el-2em w 2alet eb7ar2a
law matra7ek ma rfadet kent 2belt
w lee 3laykee laysh ma 2beltee

heye btetghannaj 3al-kell
7elwe w betshouf eb7ala
shabab 3alayha betdel
janno el-kell ebjamala

w lamma 3as-sa7a bettel
esh-sham w btetkhabba wetfel

metl en-najme el 3am bethel
el-ghaly beyerkhas kermala
el-ghaly beyerkhas kermala

heye btetghannaj 3al-kell
7elwe w betshouf eb7ala
shabab 3alayha betdel
janno el-kell ebjamala

yokhrob zo2a namroode
3oyouna sayf w ba3rode
beygharo menha el-banat
wein ma kanet mawjode
w law 7atta estaffu million
tallet-ha ajmal ma ykoun
law mara2et bayn esh-shabab
el-3a2el beysaffy majnoon

w lamma 3as-sa7a bettel
esh-sham w btetkhabba wetfel

metl en-najme el 3am bethel
el-ghaly beyerkhas kermala
el-ghaly beyerkhas kermala

heye btetghannaj 3al-kell
7elwe w betshouf eb7ala
shabab 3alayha betdel
janno el-kell ebjamala

mashyet-ha dade dade
ghanouja faw2 el-3ade
btetghandar metl el-3asfour
janno 3alayha es-seyade
kella re2a w 7enneye
3youna jawz 7rameye
sara2et kell oloub en-nas
ro7y w alby w 3enaye

w lamma 3as-sa7a bettel
esh-sham w btetkhabba wetfel

metl en-najme el 3am bethel
el-ghaly beyerkhas kermala
el-ghaly beyerkhas kermala

heye btetghannaj 3al-kell
7elwe w betshouf eb7ala
shabab 3alayha betdel
janno el-kell ebjamala

w lamma 3as-sa7a bettel
esh-sham w btetkhabba wetfel

metl en-najme el 3am bethel
el-ghaly beyerkhas kermala
el-ghaly beyerkhas kermala


She said "my daughter, you've made us worry
Where were you and why were you so long?
And why have you sneaked into the house?
What’s going on? What have you done?"
She told her "Mum, I got attached
To the eyes of a guy that is very beautiful
And I wouldn't dare to leave him
And I couldn't get enough of him
And without a conscious, he passed his hands
On me and asked me "what have you said?"
Then I started to shake like paper
I want and I don't want, and that's my problem
Then he again hugged me and held me with lust
I didn't accept and I used my bravery"
The mother screamed and said in sorrow
"If I were you, I wouldn't have refused, I've have accepted
For my sake, why did you refuse?"

She's playful with everyone
She's beautiful and sees by herself
Guys that flirt with her
They all went crazy from her beauty

And when she steps into the yard
The sun hides and escapes

Like a star that shines
The valuable get cheaper for her
The valuable get cheaper for her

She's playful with everyone
She's beautiful and sees by herself
Guys that flirt with her
They all went crazy from her beauty

Damn her taste, that rebel
Her eyes are like a swords
All the girls are jealous of her
Wherever she is
And even if a million got into a line
Her beauty is the most ever
If she passed between the guys
Then the sane ones go crazy

And when she steps into the yard
The sun hides and escapes

Like a star that shines
The valuable get cheaper for her
The valuable get cheaper for her

She's playful with everyone
She's beautiful and sees by herself
Guys that flirt with her
They all went crazy from her beauty

She walks step by step
Spoilt over the normal level
Walks playfully like the birds
All the hunters went crazy over her
She's full of tenderness and kindness
Her eyes are a couple of thieves
They stole all the people's hearts,
My soul, my heart and my eyes

And when she steps into the yard
The sun hides and escapes

Like a star that shines
The valuable get cheaper for her
The valuable get cheaper for her

She's playful with everyone
She's beautiful and sees by herself
Guys that flirt with her
They all went crazy from her beauty

And when she steps into the yard
The sun hides and escapes

Like a star that shines
The valuable get cheaper for her
The valuable get cheaper for her

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