Nawal Al Zoghbi » Ma'rafsh Leih
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ya rayto yawm elli meshi
3al sakit wa'ta w ma Hike
'alli shi, 'ayya shi
kan ahwan 3alay kteer
ma bado ysame3ni Haki
yejraH, ez3al aw eshteki
w yelmaH bi 3yooni beki
ma howeh tool 3omro kbeer
ma bado yejraHni
fikro berayaHni
aw fikro yfaraHni
anani, asi, lakin 3ando dameer
ayya dam3 w ayya nar
ayya ham, sho ma sar
ahwan 3andi ytel nhar
w ma e'der eHkeelo
ya rayto yekzib w ydal
aHla ma yesdo' w yfel
w la esh3or laHza beymel
w Hobbi ma bye3neelo
ya rayto be kelme 'ese
aw kelmeh nesi
ya zawra' ma 3omro resi
ya baHr w ma 3indo khareef
tarakni w meshi 3ala el hada
ka'eno ma wadda3 Hada
ya saywt elli ma raja3 sada
ya reHleh w ma elha taree'
eb'a Hado, ma bado
bado yeb'a la waHdo
ejraH 'albi bwardo anani
yemHi 3omri, w meni baree'
Arabic Text:
يا ريته يوم اللي مشي
عالسكت و قتها وما حكي
قالي شي أي شي
كان أهون عليا كتييير
ما بده يسمعني حكي
يجرح ازعل او اشتكي
ويلمح بعيوني بكي
ما هوي طول عمره كبير
ما بده يجرحني
فكره بيريحني
او فكره يفرحني
أناني قاسي لكن عنده ضمير
أي دمعه وأي نار
أي همه شو ما صار
أهون عندي يطل نهار
و ما أقدر أحكيله
يا ريته بيكذب و يضل
أحلا ما يصدق ويفل
و لا اشعر لحظه بيمل
وحبي ما بيعنيله
يا ريته بكلمه قسي عليي
او كلمه نسي
يازورق ما عمره رسي
يا بحر وما عندو خريف
تركني ومشي على الهدا
كأنه ما ودع حدا
يا صوت اللي ما رجع صدا
يا رحله وما إلها طريق
ابقى حد وما بدو
بدو يبقى لوحدو
اجرح قلبي بورد أناني
يمحي عمري ومني برىء
Wish the day when he left, he left in silence and didn't talk
He told me something, anything
It would have been much easier for me
He didn't want to tell me anything that would hurt
Because I would be sad and complain
And not to see tears in my eyes
He has been a great man, his whole life
He doesn't want to hurt me
He thinks he's pleasing me
Or he thinks he's making me happy
Selfish, cruel but has conscience
Any tears, any fire, any trouble...
No matter what happens...
Would have been easier for me...
Than a day comes and I can't talk to him
Wish he would lie and stay
It's more beautiful than being honest and leaving
And don't feel for a moment that he's bored
And my love is meaningless to him
Wish he was cruel to me with a word
Or forgot a word
Oh a baot that never anchored
Oh a sea that has no autumn
He left me and walked in his way
As if he didn't say goodbye to anyone
Oh a voice that didn't send it's echo back
A journey that has no direction
To stay by his side, he doesn't want that
He wants to stay alone
I hurt my heart with his roses [kindness], selfish
He erased my life and gave me away