Nancy Ajram » 7

Nancy Ajram

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Lesa Jay Aaoulouh
Lesa Jay Aaoulouh:

Lisa gaya a2olo 3ala gowaya saba2ni ali inti gowaya
O ali 3ali bidareeh, ro7t ramya nifsi gowa a7’6ano
O olt 3umri kolo 3alashano, ma da eli kont nifsi feeh

La 3milt 7sab lilnas wala 7ata l2ay kalam
E7sas witsab yi6la3 b6abe3to wa9lo awam
Magnona ana beih o ha5af min eih
Fi 7ad yeshof a7lamo u9ado mayelmis-hash
Da sa3at el5of bi’6i3 la7’6a mabi3ish-hash
Da ana 3isht sneen 3ashan ala2eeh

Kol kilma alha lisa fakraha, o kol limas mino 7asaha
7ayati a7la bein eideih howa da eli 7ubo 5adni fi thawani
O howa da eli 2orbo 5alani a7ib 3umri bili feeh

Arabic Text:

لسه جاية اقوله على جوايا سبقنى قالى انتى جوايا
وقالى على بيداريه روحت راميه نفسى جوا احضانه
وقلت عمرى كله علشانه ما دا اللى كنت نفسى فيه

لا عملت حساب للناس ولا حتى لاى كلام
احساس واتساب يطلع بطبيعته وصله اوام
مجنونة انا بيه وهخاف من ايه
فى حد يشوف احلامه قصاده ميلمسهاش
ده ساعات الخوف بيضيع لحظة مبيعشهاش
ده انا عشت سنين علشان الاقيه

كل كلمة قلها لسه فكراها وكل لمسة منه حساها
حياتى احلى بين ايديه هو ده الى حبه خدنى فى ثوانى
وهو ده اللى قربه خانى احب عمرى باللى فيه


I went to him and was just about to tell him what’s inside me,
He beat me to it and said, “you're inside me”
And told me what he cares for
I went and threw myself into his embrace
And said that my whole life is for him
This is what I wanted in the first place

I didn’t care about the people
Or what was to be said by them
A feeling and it was left to come out naturally
I'm crazy about him, what should I be afraid of
Is there anyone who would see his dreams with him and not touch them
Sometimes fear gets lost for a moment, it doesn’t exist
I have lived many years just to meet him

I still remember every word that came out from him
And I can still feel every touch
My life is more beautiful in his hands
His love is the one that took me away within seconds
And his closeness is what made me love my life and what it is

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