Nancy Ajram » Atab Tab

Nancy Ajram
Buy the album Atab Tab Buy the single Ehsas Jedeed
Ehsas Jedeed:

A7saas Jedeed
Be Albak Byzeed
Bet7so Beklma Betetl3 Fia
Enak 3alatool
Fia Mash3'ool
Keteer Betshta2li We Betmoot 3alia

Ana Mabady Ella Kalam
Yedob Alby 7aneen We 3'aram

Bykafeeny Elly B7bk
Hayzy El Kelma Bet2tlny
7ady Bykoon
Albak Majnoon
7ta Nazraat 3oyoonak Majnoon
By3z 3aly
Telef Be3neek
Tmlokshy La7za Teshoofo 3ayoony

Ana Mabady Ella Kalam
Yedob Alby 7aneen We 3'aram
Bykafeeny Elly B7bk
Hayzy El Kelma Bet2tlny

Ana Mabady Ella Kalam
Yedob Alby 7aneen We 3'aram
Bykafeeny Elly B7bk

Arabic Text:

إحساس جديد
بقلك بيزيد
بتحسه كل ما بتتطلع فيي
انك عطول
فيي مشغول
كتير بتشتاق لي و بتموت عليي

أنا ما بدي تقللي كلام
يدوب قلبي حنين و غرام

بيكفيني تقللي بحبك
هيدي الكلمة بتقتلني
حدي بكون
قلبي مجنون
حتى نظرات عيونك مجنونة
بيعز عليك
ترف بعينيك
و تمرق شئ لحظة و ما تشوف عيوني

أنا ما بدي تقللي كلام
يدوب قلبي حنين و غرام
بيكفيني تقللي بحبك
هيدي الكلمة بتقتلني


A new feeling gets bigger in your heart
You feel it every time you look at me
That you are always thinking of me
You much long for me and die for me

I don't want you to tell me words
that melt my heart of longing and love
Enough for me to tell me, I love you
These words kill me (of love)
With me, your heart is crazy
Even your eyes' looks are crazy
It's dear to me that you blink for a second
and my eyes will not see yours

I don't want you to tell me words
that melt my heart of longing and love
Enough for me to tell me, I love you
These words kill me (of love)

A new feeling gets bigger in your heart
You feel it every time you look at me
That you are always thinking of me
You much long for me and die for me

I don't want you to tell me words
that melt my heart of longing and love
Enough for me to tell me, I love you
These words kill me (of love)

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