Najwa Karam » Oyoun Albi

Najwa Karam
Buy the album Oyoun Albi Buy the single Majboura

Majboura ya nas majboura
Majboura w nweit el ra7eel
Eedi 3ala albi 3ala albi
Ya leil el for2a shou taweel

Shaddayt b'eedi el 7aqa2eb
Wadda3tak ya aghla el 7abayeb
Bedde3i enni saboura
Wel alb majrou7 w dayeb...

Majboura ya nas majboura
Majboura w nweit el ra7eel
Eedi 3ala albi 3ala albi
Ya leil el for2a shou taweel

Jabarni zamani er7al
Wel ghorbi el morra et7ammal
Ra7 eb2a bi 7obbak ma2soura
W 3annak ma ra7 et7awwal

Majboura ya nas majboura
Majboura w nweit el ra7eel
Eedi 3ala albi 3ala albi
Ya leil el for2a shou taweel


I'm obliged... People, I'm obliged
I'm obliged and I have to leave
My hand is on my shaking heart
Oh how long is the dark night of distance

I held my luggage’s in my hands
Said goodbye to you, my dearest lover
I pretend to be patient
But my heart is hurt with its feelings

I'm obliged.. people, I'm obliged
I'm obliged and I have to leave
My hand is on my shaking heart
Oh how long is the dark night of distance

My life made me leave
And taste the bitter taste of travelling
I will stay chained to your love
And will never change you for anyone else!

I'm obliged... People, I'm obliged
I'm obliged and I have to leave
My hand is on my shaking heart
Oh how long is the dark night of distance

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