Mohamed Hamaky » Haga Mosh Tabeaya

Mohamed Hamaky Kan Mali:

Kan mali bili garali ana kan mali la kont kida wala kan da Hali
Bas'al so'ali ya layali gowaya leih zado ashwa'i wiHtart f b3ado
nisini Tab eih eli estafado, ana law 'aSad Ha3tib 3alaih

WaHishni o nifsi law a'ablo, wafakaro bili fat kolo
'orayeb lazim awSalo, o mahma el'amr ykalifni
Bitigi nas o nas timshi, biyikhlaS youmi o mabnamshi
o mahma anam mabaHlamsh, begheiro howa 3arif leih

Eih tani mkhabi eih ya zamani tani
b3da Habibi ma sab makan, bitfot sawani elfor'a sneen
Kol lama baHinlo bat3ab zyada
bidari Sot albi eli nada, o bidari jowaya elHaneen

WaHishni o nifsi law a'ablo, wafakaro bili fat kolo
'orayeb lazim awSalo, o mahma el'amr ykalifni
Bitigi nas o nas timshi, biyikhlaS youmi o mabnamshi
o mahma anam mabaHlamsh, begheiro howa 3arif leih

Arabic Text:

كان مالى باللى جرالى انا كان مالى لا كنت كده ولا كان ده حالى
بسال سوالى يا ليالى جاوبى ليه زادو اشواقى واحتارت فى بعاده
نسيني طب اللى استفادوا انا لو قصاده هعتب عليه

واحشنى ونفسى لو اقابله وافكره باللى فات كله
قريب لازم اوصله ومهما الامر يكلفنى
بتيجى ناس وناس تمشى بيخلص يومى ومبنمشى
ومهما انام مبحلمشى بغيره هو عارف ليه

ايه تانى مخبى ايه يا زمانى تانى
بعد حبيبى ما ساب مكان بتفوت ثوانى الفرقة سنين
كل لما بحنله بتعب زيادة
بدارى صوت قلبه اللى ناده وبيدارى جوايا الحنين

واحشنى ونفسى لو اقابله وافكره باللى فات كله
قريب لازم اوصله ومهما الامر يكلفنى
بتيجى ناس وناس تمشى بيخلص يومى ومبنمشى
ومهما انام مبحلمشى بغيره هو عارف ليه


What was with me when it happened
What was with me, I wasn’t like this, this wasn’t my state
I'll ask my question, oh nights, answer me...
Why has my longing increased
And I felt puzzled with his separation
What has he gotten out of forgetting me?
If I was next to him, I would blame him

I long for him and wish to see him
And remind him of all that has passed
I have to get to him no matter what it takes
People come and people go
My days ends and I don’t sleep
And if I do sleep, I dream of nothing but than him, he knows why

What else are you hiding, oh time
What else, after my love left
The seconds of separation pass by as if they were years
Everytime I long for him, I tire myself even more
I'll soothe his heart which is crying out to him
And I'll soothe the longing inside of me

I long for him and wish to see him
And remind him of all that has passed
I have to get to him no matter what it takes
People come and people go
My days ends and I don’t sleep
And if I do sleep, I dream of nothing but than him, he knows why

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