Metaal Jenawy

Tfarag Aal Halawa:

Tfarag al halawa, halawa
Di baladiw nagawa, nagawa
Boss al halawa, halawa
Di baladiw nagawa, nagawa
Taala doog ya helu, madamai
Taala doog ghodlak sandoog

Ya helwa ya shayelal balas
Men fadlek dal esgini (bis)
Da Galbey habek beghlas
Zai ma habek, hebinee
Zai ma weedek, wedeenee

Leimel malas lemei
Ya helwa ya zeina, ya zeina
Leimel malas lemei, lemei, lemei, lemei
Ya helwa ya zeina
Agle sharad meinee, men gamalek
Ya helwa ya, ya zeina

Mayel wesgeeni ya wad ami, mayel wesgeeni
Ana mosh ashgan ya wad ami, hobak yerweeni

Ya wad, ya wad, ya wad ya wala wala
Men soghre sen wana fel hawa, wala
Anal aleel wenta-dawa
Ya wad, ya wad, ya wad ya wala

Yalee gamalek agab, agab
Ya mahla gholghalek (bis 2 x)
Gamal we agel we adab, we adab, yem sharefaghalek
Adalal yabokohle zamazai, adalal, adalal


Watch the beauty
The beauty and fruitful things of my country
Come and taste and buy a basketful of goodies

Oh beautiful who's carrying the pot
Please let me drink
Cause my heart loves you sincerely
Like I love you, love me

Pick up the things
Pick them up oh beautiful
I've loved you so much
Oh beautiful

Stop by and let me drink, oh cousin
I'm only thirsty of your love

Oh girl, since I was small I've been in love
I'm the patient and you're the medicine

Your beauty is a wonder
How pretty your ankle bracelet is
You are beautiful and have a good mind and are polite
You are honoring your cousin
Play hard to get oh girl with kohl-enhanced eyes
Play hard to get

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