Maya Nasri » Ezay Te'rifny

Maya Nasri

Buy the album Ezay Te'rifny Buy the single Rooh

Shoor, adaytom bel ham, adayton al boud
bel saa wel youm
Wayen, Wayenak rage ent, gaye eteli eshtat
Keef w laesh el youm

Hmeini ya hanini Men hubi eli nasini
Nasini el sahar w elyali el sahar
W ergou el souwar

Rooh eza betreid, la baa etzeid hami
Etrikni ib hali, dal ibeid, hagi eted
W eteli badik ala bali

Meen Meen el habak oul, Adi W khala el oumr
oumr el hub yetool oul
Meen Hadak layl enhar, Yesal anak int
W inta eli mashghoul

Rage mesh rage, le ouni wala same
Sho endahtak ana Rage lel hana
Mesh bai lena

Rooh eza betreid, la baa etzeid hami
Etrikni ib hali, dal ibeid, hagi eted
W eteli badik ala bali

Arabic Text:

شهور قضيتن بالهم عديتن عالبعد بالساعة واليوم
وين وينك راجع انت جاي تقلي اشتقت كيف وليش اليوم

حميني حنيني من حبي اللي ناسيني
نسّيني القمر وليالي السهر
ورجوع الصور

روح اذا بتريد لأ بقى تزيد همي تركني بحالي
ضل بعيد حاجة تعيد وتقلي بعدك على بالي

مين مين اللي حبك قول قدي وخلى عمر ..عمر الحب يطول
مين حدك ليل نهار يسأل عنك انت وانت اللي مشغول
راجع مش راجع لعيوني ولا سامع شو اندهتك
انا راجع للهنا مش باقي لنا

روح اذا بتريد لا بقى تزيد همي تركني بحالي
ضل بعيد حاجة تعيد وتقلي بعدك على بالي

روح اذا بتريد لا بقى تزيد همي تركني بحالي
ضل بعيد حاجة تعيد وتقلي بعدك على بالي


Months that I spent in pain that I counted in hours
and days away from you
Where, where are you coming back saying you missed me.
Why today?
Oh my feelings, protect me from the love that forgot me
Make me forget the moon, the nights we spent,
and all the pictures in my mind

Go... please; don't make me suffer anymore.
Leave me with myself
Stay away; stop repeating the same words,
saying "you're still on my mind"

Who loved you as much as I did
and made the life of our love get longer?
Who spent their nights and days next to you,
asking about you while you're too busy to care?
"Coming back or not for me to see you"...
You didn't even hear that
Oh how I called you, "coming back to my love?",
"won't be mine anymore?"

Go... please; don't make me suffer anymore.
Leave me with myself
Stay away; stop repeating the same words,
saying "you're still on my mind"

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