Marwan Khoury » Ana Wel Leil

Marwan Khoury
Buy the album Ana Wel Leil Buy the single Leil Mbareh
Leil Mbareh:

Ya habibi b’layl mbare7, ma 7kitellak shou sar
Lamma ttalla3t 3layi, 3younak alet asrar
Sahharni el shaw2 el jare7, nater ta ytoll nhar

Ya habib el alb bhebbak, ana aktar ma btetsawwar
Wa7yatak la tet3ajjab, yimkin hal hob m2addar
Yimkin netla2a m2addar, ne3sha2 men awwal nazra
Ya habibi dallak haddi, khallik el 3omr b’orbi
Ya habibi hawn mkhaddi berdani b’layl el ghorbi
Daffiha b’layl el ghorbi, ghaffiha b’ajmal ghamra

Ya habibi so3bi el natra w nater sarli men sneen
E3sha2 men awwal nazra, ydawwebni albi 7anin
Sadde2 hay awwel marra be7lof men albi yamin

Ya habib el alb bhebbak, ana aktar ma btetsawwar
Wa7yatak la tet3ajjab, yimkin hal hob m2addar
Yimkin netla2a m2addar, ne3sha2 men awwal nazra
Ya habibi dallak haddi, khallik el 3omr b’orbi
Ya habibi hawn mkhaddi berdani b’layl el ghorbi
Daffiha b’layl el ghorbi, ghaffiha b’ajmal ghamra


My love, I didn’t tell you what happened last night
When you looked at me, you eyes whispered secrets
And wounding passion kept me awake, waiting for dawn

My dearest, I love you more than you can imagine
And don’t be surprised, this love is maybe our fate
We might meet by chance and fall in love with the first sight
My love, stay with me, by my side, my whole life
My love, my pillow is cold in the lonely nights
Warm it up in those lonely nights with your sweet cuddles

My love, it is hard to wait, and I have been waiting for years
To love at first sight, to be taken by passion
And believe me, this is the first time it happens

My dearest, I love you more than you can imagine
And don’t be surprised, this love is maybe our fate
We might meet by chance and fall in love with the first sight
My love, stay with me, by my side, my whole life
My love, my pillow is cold in the lonely nights
Warm it up in those lonely nights with your sweet cuddles

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