Marwan Khoury » Ana Wel Leil

Marwan Khoury
Buy the album Ana Wel Leil Buy the single Lawla Al Hawa
Lawla Al Hawa:

La 3omrouka lawla al hawa, ma shaghala al bala shaghilou
Lawla law3aton ta2ennou bel 7asha
Lawla eshtiyaqon majnounon youjathibouni ilayka

Ana sabbon da3eefon tatasara3ou bihi al ashwaq
Fa tahouddouhou wa toudammirouhou
Wa ana man khouliqa li youmajjida al 3eshqa
Li tasselani wa tafoukka al sira3a
Li a7mouda waslaka 3ala marr el ayam

La 3omrouka lawla al hawa, ma shaghala al bala shaghilou
Lawla law3aton ta2ennou bel 7asha
Lawla eshtiyaqon majnounon youjathibouni ilayka

Wa7ayatouka law asqaytani menka wessal
La a3eesha bel a7lami alfa 7ouloumen wa khayal
La tarraztou shalati waslika 3enaqan wa qoubal
Wa la aghmadtou 3ayni li nashwati wessal

La 3omrouka lawla al hawa, ma shaghala al bala shaghilou
Lawla law3aton ta2ennou bel 7asha
Lawla eshtiyaqon majnounon youjathibouni ilayka

Arabic Fonts:

لولا الهوى
لعمرك لولا الهوى
ما شغل البال شاغل
لولا لوعات تئن بالحشا
لولا اشتياق مجنون
يجاذبني اليك

أنا صبّ ضعيف
تتصارع به الأشواق
فتهذهّ و تدمرّ ه
أنا من خلق
ليمجّد العشقى
لتصلني وتفك الصراع
لأحمد وصلك على مرّ الأيام

لولا الهوى
لعمرك لولا الهوى
ما شغل البال شاغل
لولا لوعات تئن بالحشا
لولا اشتياق مجنون
يجاذبني اليك

وحياتك لو أسقيتني منك وصال
لأعيش بالأحلام ألف حلم وخيال
لطرّزت شالات وصلك عناقا "وقبل
ولأغمضت عيني لنشوة وصال

لولا الهوى
لعمرك لولا الهوى
ما شغل البال شاغل
لولا لوعات تئن بالحشا
لولا اشتياق مجنون
يجاذبني اليك


I swear to you that nothing would have made me worry
if it weren’t for love
If it weren’t for an endless screaming pain
For a mad passion that attracts me persistently to you

I am a weak creature in which passion floods
To a point where it destroys and devastates me
I am him who was born to worship love
For you to come and break my chains
To be grateful for your love every day of my life

I swear to you that nothing would have made me worry
if it weren’t for love
If it weren’t for an endless screaming pain
For a mad passion that attracts me persistently to you

I assure you that if you’d give me some of your love
I would live a thousand dreams and thoughts in one dream
I would sew you the scarf of love with cuddles and kisses
And I would close my eyes longing for one touch of love

I swear to you that nothing would have made me worry
if it weren’t for love
If it weren’t for an endless screaming pain
For a mad passion that attracts me persistently to you

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