Marwan Khoury » Ana Wel Leil

Marwan Khoury
Buy the album Ana Wel Leil Buy the single Law Fiye
Law Fiye:

Law fiyyi, rajje3 bi 2idi el wa2t lanno shwayyi
Nafs el makan w nafs hal ghenniyyi
W enti w ana kenna bi awwal yawm
Meshta2a, kanet 3inayki w kelha 7enniyyi
Tod7ak eli wel 3omr yorkod layyi
W b3eed kan b3eed yawma el lawm

Wayn ra7ou, laftatik el melyani 7ob w gheeri
Shou el ghayyarik wel kabbarik ya zgheeri
Shou l’3allamik 3al bo3d wel a7zan
Ma rta7ou, 3youni ana men yawm sorti b3eedi
Wala 3ad ghayrik 2id temsok 2idi
Wala 3ad yezkor 7obna el nesyan

Law fiyyi, rajje3 bi 2idi el 3omr lannou marra
W terja3 eli bel leil hak el ghamra
Sakker 3alayki el wa2et, ghell w nam
Law fiyyi, redd el 7aki wa2t elli kenti t2ouli
“Bhebbak ana” w 3younik yghannouli
A7la assidi w rajje3 el ayam

Wayn ra7ou, laftatik el melyani 7ob w gheeri
Shou el ghayyarik wel kabbarik ya zgheeri
Shou l’3allamik 3al bo3d wel a7zan
Ma rta7ou, 3youni ana men yawm sorti b3eedi
Wala 3ad ghayrik 2id temsok 2idi
Wala 3ad yezkor 7obna el nesyan


If I could go back in time with a touch of hand even for a glance
Back to the same place, to the same song
When you and I were in our first day
Your eyes were passionate and full of tenderness
They smiled at me and life would run into me
And blaming was far away that day

Where are your gazes full of love and jealousy
What changed you and made you grow up, my little
What taught distance and sadness
My eyes haven’t rested since the day you are far
And no other hand ever held mine
And our love doesn’t remember about forgetting

If I could return my life with a touch of hand only once
Return that hug on that night
Stop the time with you, tense and sleep
If I could return the words when you used to say
“I love you” and your eyes would sing to me
The most lovely poem, and return the days

Where are your gazes full of love and jealousy
What changed you and made you grow up, my little
What taught distance and sadness
My eyes haven’t rested since the day you are far
And no other hand ever held mine
And our love doesn’t remember about forgetting

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