Marwan Khoury » Ana Wel Leil

Marwan Khoury
Buy the album Ana Wel Leil Buy the single El Arar
El Arar:

La wa2t el beb2a haddik 3am koun merta7
Wala wa2t el beb3od 3annik bethoun jra7
Ya hal alb elli habbik, maksour el jna7
La ader teer w 3alli, wala 3omri b’eedik khalli

Yareit byou3a albi yawm nassi kel elli kan
W ygharre2ni hal nawm bi b7our mnel nesyan
Hobbik khallani seer denyi mnel a7zan
Yareit bya3ref albi yreed marra w yemlok arar
3ammer ensan jdeed w etrok khalfi el damar
Hobbik haddamni kteer w mesh ader ekhtar,
mesh ader ekhtar

Shou bekrah 7ali eb2a bel shaw2 masjoun
Shou bfakker ta ma esh2a, marrat ma nkoun
Ya hal kelmi el 3a war2a w yem7iha jnoun
Kel ma fakker ra7 ellik, bla2i 7ali shta2tellik

Yareit byou3a albi yawm nassi kel elli kan
W ygharre2ni hal nawm bi b7our mnel nesyan
Hobbik khallani seer denyi mnel a7zan
Yareit bya3ref albi yreed marra w yemlok arar
3ammer ensan jdeed w etrok khalfi el damar
Hobbik haddamni kteer w mesh ader ekhtar,
mesh ader ekhtar


When I’m by your side, I can’t feel comfortable
But when I’m away from you, my wounds don’t seem to heal
This heart who loved you has broken wings
I can’t be free and fly away; neither can I offer you my life

If only one day,
my heart would wake up having forgotten everything
And sleep would sink me into oceans of oblivion
Your love turned me into a world of sorrow, a world of sorrow
If only my heart had will and decision for once
I would build a new person and leave all the damage
You love has destroyed me and I can’t decide,
I can’t decide

I hate myself when I’m a prisoner of passion
Sometimes, to evade my sadness, I wish we weren’t
Those written words are erased by madness
Every time I come to say it, I find myself missing you

If only one day,
my heart would wake up having forgotten everything
And sleep would sink me into oceans of oblivion
Your love turned me into a world of sorrow, a world of sorrow
If only my heart had will and decision for once
I would build a new person and leave all the damage
You love has destroyed me and I can’t decide,
I can’t decide

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