Mai Kassab » Haga Teksef

Mai Kassab Betolly Eeh:

bet2olly eeh
wala leela betnam
we tamally mashghool
tab 3ayez eeh maho asl el 7ob
3azab lel alb
we shoo2 3ala tool

we da shee2 maktoob
3ala kol oloob
te3sha2 we tedoob
we te2ool ya gharam
teshar bel leel
we nahar we aneen
we te7es be weel
we 7aneen we hayam

bet2olly eeh
wala leela betnam
we tamally mashghool
tab 3ayez eeh maho asl el 7ob
3azab lel alb
we shoo2 3ala tool

law 7ad allak
en el hawa ra7a
yeb2a ya alby beyekdeb 3aleek
kol elly 7abo
2alo be sara7a
en el hawa sa3b
yeraya7 3eneek

we da shee2 maktoob
3ala kol oloob
te3sha2 we tedoob
we te2ool ya gharam
teshar bel leel
we nahar we aneen
we te7es be weel
we 7aneen we hayam

bet2olly eeh
wala leela betnam
we tamally mashghool
tab 3ayez eeh
maho asl el 7ob
3azab lel alb
we shoo2 3ala tool

bet2olly eeh

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