Kathem Al Saher

Kathem Al Saher Ha Habeebi:

Ha 7abibi, mou 3ala ba3dak a7essak
Ha 7abibi, likhatry la ti2thy nafsak
Meeno liza3alak (inta) Meeno liza3alak (inta)
Minni tiz3al?
Lak walla za3al ildonia kolha
wala makroh yimissak, 7abibi

Ibtisem baddy a3sabak, khalli rasak ben edaya
O khith bosat sele7 minni
Kaffy tidallal 3alaya

Idallal 3alaya, idallal, Idallal 3alaya
Ya hedat Rabbi min sama o ajmal hadiya

Ra7 lil 3ashra a3idlak
Wa7ed, 3ashra
Shoo ta3al boosni, kam marra bossak, 7abibi

Bi iddi amashetlak 7abibi
O amsa7 dmoo3ak bi idaya
Ahh minnak min jamalak,
7atta dama3ak jathihiyya

Idallal 3alaya, idallal, Idallal 3alaya
Ya hedat Rabbi min sama o ajmal hadiya

Ra7 lil 3ashra a3idlak
Wa7ed, 3ashra

Arabic Text:

ها حبيبي مو على بعضك احسك

ها حبيبي لخاطري لا تأذي نفسك

من زعلك
انته , مني تزعل

لك والله زعل الدنيا كلها

ولا مكروه يمسك , حبيبي

ابتسم هدي اعصابك خلي راسك بين ايديا

وخذ بوسه صلح مني كافي تتدلل عليا

ادلل عليا ادلل.. ادلل عليا

ياهبه ربي من السما واجمل هديه

راح للعشره اعدلك , واحد , عشره

شو تعال بوسني كم مره ابوسك حبيبي

بيدي امشط لك حبيبي وامس دموعك بيديا

اه منك من جمالك حتى دمعك جاذبيه

ادلل عليا ادلل , ادلل عليا

ياهبه ربي من السما واجمل هديه

راح للعشره اعدلك , واحد , عشره


What's up my love,
I feel you are well and worried
What's up my love,
For my sake don't hurt yourself
Who made you mad? Who made you mad?
Are you mad at me?
I swear I wish all the sadness of the world hit me,
not you, my love

Smile, relax, keep your head in my hands
And take a peace kiss from me
You are acting spoiled to me

I want you to act spoiled to me
Oh you are God's gift from Heaven,
& the most beautiful gift!
Go, and I'll count to ten
One, ten
Come and kiss me, how many times I kiss you,
my love.

Let me brush your hair with my hands, my love.
And wipe your tears with my hands
Ahhh you are so beautiful
Even your tears are attractive

I want you to act spoiled to me
Oh you are God's gift from Heaven,
& the most beautiful gift!
Go, and I'll count to ten
One, ten

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