Jannat » Hob Emtelak


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Ana Donyeto:

Ana donyeto b-Halha o Hayato kolaha
Ana ahlo wana nasso, rooh albo Habibto

Ana donyeto b-Halha o Hayato kolaha
Ana ahlo wana nasso, rooh albo Habibto
Ana elli law yeghlat mesamHa f ha'aha
Wana elli lama yegheeb 3aleeeha terood ghebto

Ana el Hodn elli min ta3bo byehrab leeh
Ana el alb elli min khoofo, byet-Hama beeh

Ana mosh waHda bet-Hebo w betmoot feeh
Ana bamooot fe toraab elli byemshi 3aleeh

Ana 3omri ma tghayarti youm min naHyeto
Wana elli raDya tensefo law kan zalemha
Wana lama byeshteki min waHdeeto
Yeb'a ma3a albi w rooHi S-Haabo youmha

Ana el Hodn elli min ta3bo byehrab leeh
Ana el alb elli min khoofo, byet-Hama beeh
Ana mosh waHda bet-Hebo w betmoot feeh
Ana bamooot fe toraab elli byemshi 3aleeh

Ana donyeto b-Halha o Hayato kolaha
Ana ahlo wana nasso, rooh albo Habibto

Arabic Text:

انا دنيته بحالها وحياتة كلها
انا اهله وناسه وروح قلبه وحبيبته

انا دنيته بحالها وحياتة كلها
انا اهله وناسه وروح قلبه وحبيبته
انا اللى لو يغلط مسامحة فى حقها
وانا اللى لما يغيب عليها ترد غيبته

انا الحضن اللى من تعبة بيهرب ليه
انا القلب اللى من خوفة بيتحاما بيه

انا مش واحدة بتحبه بتموت فيه
انا بموت فى التراب اللى بيمشى عليه

انا عمرى ما اتغيرت يوم من ناحيته
وانا اللى راضية تـنـصفة لو كان ظالمها
وانا اللى لما بيشتكى من وحدتة
يبقى معاة قلبى وروحى صحابة يومها

انا الحضن اللى من تعبة بيهرب ليه
انا القلب اللى من خوفة بيتحاما بيه
انا مش واحدة بتحبه بتموت فيه
انا بموت فى التراب اللى بيمشى عليه

انا دنيته بحالها وحياتة كلها
انا اهله وناسه وروح قلبه وحبيبته


I'm his whole world and life I'm his family, his people, soul and lover

I'm his whole world and life I'm his family, his people, soul and lover I'm the one who forgives every time he mistakes I'm the one who asks about him every time he's away

He runs into my arms everytime he's tired He hides in my heart everytime he's scared (x2)

I don't only love him, I adore him I adore the ground he walks on

My feelings towards him never changed I forgive him even though he is unfair My heart and soul are always with him Whenever he complains about being alone

He runs into my arms everytime he's tired He hides in my heart everytime he's scared I don't only love him, I adore him I adore the ground he walks on (x2)

I'm his whole world and life I'm his family, his people, soul and lover

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