Hisham Abbas » Gowa Fi Albi

Hisham Abbas Meen Illi Gouwa Fi Albi:

Meen illi gowwa f2albi, 7abib 2albi meen
Meen illi law kan ganby, asallem sneen

Meen illi 2amar f3inaya, wa 3ali o ba3eed
Meen illi 3'ali 3alaya, 7abib ilwa7eed

Meen illi gowwa f2albi, 7abib 2albi meen
Meen illi law kan ganby, asallem sneen

Danta illi ana ya 7abibi, adillo 3omri o 7ayaty
Enta ilmuna ya 7abibi, wa 3aleek kol 7ekayaty
Enta illi ana ya 7abibi, adillo 3omri o 7ayaty
Enta ilmuna ya 7abibi, wa 3aleek kol 7ekayaty

Meen a3'la minnak 3andy tesa2da mafish
Mil3eindi abli l3eindi, 3ashanak 7a3eesh
Mil7odn da arrabni o 7'abeeni feh
Law kont ba7lam sebni, tesa7eeni leh

Enta illi ana ya 7abibi, adillo 3omri o 7ayaty
Enta ilmuna ya 7abibi, wa 3aleek kol 7ekayaty

Enta illi ana ya 7abibi, adillo 3omri o 7ayaty
Enta ilmuna ya 7abibi, wa 3aleek kol 7ekayaty


Who is deep in my heart who is my love
Whom if present next to me I would trade years for this

Who is the moonshine
and sparkle in my eyes high up and afar
Who is the most precious to me my only love

Who is deep in my heart who is my love
Whom if present next to me I would trade years for this

You are the one my love whom I give my life to
You are the one I wish for my love
and the one I build memories with

Who could be more precious to me than you are
believe me there isn't

Whom would I live for I live to be with you

Bring me close to my love's arms and keep me there
If I were dreaming don't wake me up
why would I want to wake up?

You are the one my love whom I give my life to
You are the one I wish for my love
and the one I build memories with

Who is deep in my heart who is my love
Whom if present next to me I would trade years for this

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