Elissa » Asaad Wahda

Buy the album Asaad Wahda Buy the single Teabt Mennak
Teabt Mennak:

TAabt mennak, Aashan ma leesh gheirak wala bestaghna Aanak
W Aashan baHebak, ma leesh makan fi zaAl arooHlo ela Hodnak
W Aashan ma leesh gheirak Habib
Law 'olt amshi, tooHashni 'abl ma timshi khatoo baAeedo Aani

Ted-Hak fi weshi bemsaH dmooAey w bensa leih 'elelt menni
W ba'oul mafeesh fi elHob Aaeeb

B'aleeli barda w astena mennak kelma Helwa t'oulha leya
BasmaAha bahada w ansa enni Aayeshti mAak a'al min elAadeya
Bosbor Aaleek min Hobi feek
Hat-Has emta eni mafeesh fi eedeya Haga gheir enni aHebak
W en kont sakta fAashan mataHaremnish
fi youm min elAaysha ganbak
Ma'darsh Ayesh gheir been eedeek
Leih kol hamak fi eldonya tesbet bas enni
mush muhema welra'y ra'yak
W enni ana ganbak ma leesh wala ay kelma
W baAyeesh mAak soora w khalas
Ana Aayesht Amri bardeek w bagi kteer ana Aala Hsab karamti
Kan kol hami en enta teghlat w asmAak bet'oul Habibti
W Aashan reedak khasert nas

Arabic Text:

تعبت منك عشان مليش غيرك ولا بستغنى عنك
وعشان بحبك ماليش مكان في زعل أروحله الا حضنك
وعشان مليش غيرك حبيب
لو قلت أمشي توحشني قبل ماتمشي خطوة بعيده عني

تضحك في وشي بمسح دموعي وبنسى ليه قللت مني
وبقول مفيش في الحب عيب

بقليلي برضى وأستني منك كلمه حلوه تقولها ليا
بسمعها بهدى وأنسى اني عيشتي معاك أقل من العاديه
باصبر عليك من حبي فيك
هتحس امتى ان مفيش في ايديا حاجه غير اني أحبك
وان كنت ساكته فعشان متحرمنيش في يوم من العيشه جنبك
مقدرش أعيش غير بين ايديك
ليه كل همك في الدنيا تثبت بس اني مش مهمه والرأي رأيك
وان أنا جنبك مليش ولا أي كلمه
وبعيش معاك صورة وخلاص
أنا عشت عمري بارضيك وباجي كتيرأنا علي حساب كرامتي
كان كل همي ان انت تغلط واسمعك بتقول حبيبيتي
وعشان رضاك خسرت ناس


I am tired of you because I have nothing except you
And I can't live without you
And because I love you,
I have no place that I go to in anger other than in your arms
And because I have no one other than you, love
If I say I'm leaving,
I would miss you before you walked one step away from me

You laugh in my face,
I wipe away my tears and I forget why you belittled me
And I say that there's no flaw in love

I've become satisfied...
While I wait for you to say a beautiful word to me
I hear, calm down...
And I forget that I lived with you with less normalcy
I'm patient with you, out of my love in you
You will feel when there's nothing in my hands...
Other than the fact that I love you
And I was silent so that you wouldn't forbid me to live next to you...
Even for a day
I can't live except when I'm in your embrace
Why does all your concern in the world...
Prove that I am not important...
And my opinion is your opinion
And that when I'm with you, I have nothing, not even a word
And I live with you as a picture only
I've lived my life satisfying you and I put my dignity on stake
My only concern was that you would make a mistake
And that I would hear you say, "my love"
And because I satisfy you, I've lost people

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