Elissa » Asaad Wahda

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Mush kol elly benHebehom haykono leena
W la kol elly benHebhom lay'een Aalena
Mumken nela'i elly yama Hlemna beehom
w yela'oona manla'eesh elHob feehom
W saAat benshoof elHob w huwa mayshoofnash
W saAat ye'abelna elHob w yemshi w ma Aarefnash
W saAat beygeena elHob w yemshi ka'ano ma gash
W ktir beysibna elHob, w garHo ma beysibnash

Mush kol elly raH menena sibnah be'eedeena
Ma gayez yekoun Helmna maHlamsh beena

Mumken yela'i feena fAalan kol Haga
w ay Haga w mayal'eesh elHob feena
Mush kol elly beyHebna sab garHo feena

Da gayez yerouH menena w elkheir yegeena
Mumken nAaned w yefdal been eedeena
W baAd garHo ma nla'eesh elly yedaweena

Arabic Text:

مش كل اللى بنحبهم هيكونوا لينا
ولا كل اللي بنحبهم لايقين علينا
ممكن نلاقي اللي ياما حلمنا بيهم ويلاقونا منلاقيش الحب فيهم
وساعات بنشوف الحب وهو ميشوفناش
وساعات يقابلنا الحب ويمشي ومعرفناش
وساعات بيجينا الحب ويمشي كأنه مجاش
وكتير بيسيبنا الحب وجرحه مبيسيبناش

مش كل اللي راح مننا سيبناه بايدينا
ماجايز يكون حلمنا ماحلمش بينا

ممكن يلاقي فينا فعلا كل حاجه وأي حاجه ومايلاقيش الحب فينا
مش كل اللي بيحبنا ساب جرحه فينا

ده جايز يروح مننا والخير يجينا
ممكن نعاند ويفضل بين ايدينا
وبعد جرحه منلاقيش اللي يداوينا


Not everybody who we love is ours
And not everybody who we love we find for ourselves
It's possible that...
...we can find those who we have dreamt about so much
And they find us without finding love in them
Sometimes we see love but it doesn't see us
Sometimes we face love and leaves, without us knowing it
And, sometimes, love comes to us and leaves as though it didn't come
And many of us leave love and its wound doesn't leave us

Not all who has gone from us, we left in our hands
It's not possible that our dream, didn't dream of us

It is possible to find in us,
In fact everything or anything doesn't find love in us
Not everyone that loves us left its wound in us

It's possible that it goes from us and the goodness comes to us
We can resist and it will stay in our hands
And after his pain, we won't find what heals us

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